Friday 12 August 2011

DeviantArt. The Happiest Place on the Web: A Tale of My Nerdiness.

I use DeviantArt mostly to keep track of my work and keep tabs on artists I like. I would also like to get critiques and constrictive criticisms, but of course, those things don't exist on DeviantArt, the happiest place on the web.

The only comments on DeviantArt that won't cause someone to cry are ones that gush over a work and claim it is perfect. Even if the work is a crudely drawn fan art traced out of a manga book of an anthropomorphic fox with big boobs.

Not only must you praise all art, you must agree with everything everyone else says. All the time. Or else you're a troll. Even correcting their mistakes is considered a terrible thing to do. Here is one such instance (with my username withheld because I'm embarrassed by my crudely-drawn Batman fan arts on that site).

So, I'm perusing DeviantArt when I see some art I enjoy by a user by the name of canti550. I "fave" this sketch and scroll down to the comments section. And her comment reads:

Okay so I got kind of tired of hearing people complain about the new DC Reboot.
The truth is, I don't Care.
This was drawn to Prove that the DC artists are just That. Artists. They're not gods. Even though they changed the design someone else is going to step in and draw them their own way and there's nothing you can do about it.

I just think it's stupid to cry over spilled milk. If you don't like the new reboots don't read them.
Do you think Batman was always some crime fighter? NO. he was a Detective. Seriously. Things change all the time.

All fair and honest opinions of someone who comes across as a comic book fan. Except, there is a glaring error. She seems to think that Batman started out as a detective and became "some crime fighter" recently. This is patently false to anyone who has read a Batman comic. He's always been a crime fighter. And he's still a detective. None of these things have changed.

So I tell her that. I cannot retrieve my response now because she deleted it (probably didn't want any of the people who were agreeing with her to see that she was wrong), but I cited specific examples of Batman fighting crime in the early days (like, um, every single Batman appearance of the early days), and specific examples of Batman solving crimes in modern stories (like The Long Halloween, Joker: Devil's Advocate, Batman R.I.P., Batman & Robin, Scott Snyder's run on Detective Comics, uhh, pretty much all the rest of them, too).  I also explained how Batman is closer to his original version as he ever has been, as he was lightened up in the '50s and '60s and returned to his roots in the '70s, where he has remained the Grim Dark Knight ever since. To make sure she understood that no malice was intended, I also praised her art and told her that I wish I could draw like her.
But, that's not enough. Simply praising her isn't enough. I have to praise her and agree with everything she says. This is her response:

canti550...Yeah, I'm not reading all of that.
All I meant is Batman has made some EXTREME changes over the years. The characters have become more supernatural. So maybe I should have said he wasnt always a Super Hero. Because it was more about solving mysteries and crime in the beginning. Now it's about fighting and capturing a crazy costumed character about to blow up the city.
And I knew all about the 50s 60s 70s change that was more about comedy. Which is another example of batman changing over time.

PS I don't read the new Batman works. I hate the over-realistic art style.

Again, she demonstrates that she... doesn't know anything about Batman. And it's okay not to know anything about Batman. There's no rule that you need to know anything about Batman. But, if you don't know about something, don't make things up and pretend you do. So, this is my response.

Yours Truly
Batman fought supernatural threats in his early appearances, as well. In Detective Comics #31 (from 1939), Batman fights a vampire. In Batman #1 (1940), Batman fights genetically-modified monster men. So, no. The characters haven't really become "more supernatural".

And, you are wrong about it being "more about solving mysteries" in the beginning. He still solves mysteries today. And he was just as much of a superhero back then as he is today. He knew martial arts and had his utility belt back in the '40s as well. There are pretty much just as many physical fights in the early comics are there are today. He also fought costumed bad guys back then, as well. The Joker appeared in Batman #1. Also, in Detective Comics #33 (1939), Batman stops a group of villains who are trying to blow up the city.

I am kind of curious about how you think Batman has gone through "extreme changes". He kind of just had a campy and light detour in the '50s and '60s, but by the '70s, he went back to his original dark self and has remained that way ever since.

I don't really expect people to know the entire history of Batman like that. It's totally fair for someone not to know it (most normal people don't... I'm just a Batman weirdo). But (and this isn't supposed to sound rude or anything) it's better to read the stuff before making claims about it rather than refusing to read them and making comments about things you've never read. I mean, Batman has always been a superhero and a detective throughout every decade, both the dark ones and the light ones. He's always been Sherlock Holmes and Zorro rolled into one.

Also, not every recent Batman book has "over-realistic art". You should check out Grant Morrison's run on Batman & Robin. He had the artist Cameron Stewart work on some of the issues, and judging from your taste in art (I'm guessing we have similar art tastes. Do you also like Bruce Timm, Jack Kirby, Darwyne Cooke, you know, stuff like that?), you might like Cameron Stewart.

Seeing as you don't read new nor old Batman comics, it is understandable that a DC reboot wouldn't matter to you. But it does matter to people who actually do read this stuff. Just like things that you actually care about matter to you when something happens with them.

Anyway, I'd just like to say that I love your art style. It's pretty much the kind of stuff I've been striving for but can't achieve because I sort of kind of blow at drawing. So, much kudos to you.

That's twice in a row I've corrected her. And that will not stand. No one will ever politely correct her and get away unscathed. No one, and this is what she has to say about the matter:

canti550WOAH there, I DO read old Batman Comics.THE ONLY ONES I READ ARE THE OLD ONES. I just dont read all of them like a crazy person. Plus I cant afford every single Batman comic.
I'm just saying that the Artists that made the Reboot aren't Gods and people shouldn't over-react. Like what you're doing. I someone doesn't like the new Reboot then they just shouldn't read them.
It's a comic. Not an obsession.

Now, to convey to her that I'm still being nice, I put a happy cheerleader emoticon in the heading of this message.

Me Again
Mood: Cheerful
Sorry. I didn't know that you read old Batman comics. I guessed from your incorrect assumptions about the material in them that you probably weren't familiar with them.

I also don't buy "every single Batman comic". But I do sample things from all the eras. To be honest, I've never met a Batman comic reader who's never read "The Long Halloween", but different strokes for different folks, I guess. I'm curious as to what Batman comics you do read.

I'm not sure how I'm overreacting. I was simply trying to amicably correct the unintentional errors you made when describing the content of Batman stories (while also praising you because I like your art). I thought I was being friendly.

I wouldn't say that I am any more "obsessed" than any other Batman comic fan. I'm not even a collector. I only buy trades, not single issues. I don't even have a basement full of comic boxes like typical comic fans have. I keep my books on a bookshelf. If anything, I have less comics than the typical comic buyer. But my reading has still been enough to inform me on the content of the original and new Batman stories.

I think I should use more happy emoticons to convey that I'm not worked up. :) But I thought that would be gathered from my unobtrusive language and lack of caps lock. But if you are bothered by being corrected, it is totally fine and you can just tell me that because I don't want to bother you. Again, it is hard to interpret tone on the internet, so I'm not sure if your capitalized words and sentences are merely for emphasis or if you are showing that you are bothered. If you are, my sincere apologies.

And, again, I love your work and I wish I had half the skill you do, so keep up the good work and I hope I didn't make you mad or anything.:thumbsup: And I do agree with you that many people are definitely overreacting about the reboot when they say things like "DC is raping my childhood heroes!" But I do think that the more reserved of us reserve the right to express when we don't like something DC is doing. :w00t!:


 You see? I was being nice. I hugged her for fuck sakes. If the emoticons are any indication of my demeanor, I turned funny colors, turned my face into a simple grin and started dancing for her and then I hugged her.

But, that's not good enough. I corrected some baseless falsehoods she made. And for that, I am a troll. So she continues.

canti550Look, If you wanted to correct me, you could have said it in a sentence. But you left a whole summary, and when you do that it annoys people. You annoy me.
I would have been nicer if you didn't leave such a huge comment that wasn't really necessary. I would have been like "Oh I'm sorry, I should have worded that better." But to say something like, Batman doesn't change at all, is ignorant. Everything changes. Batman's character changed from a Hard-ass to a Friendly caped crusader and back to a hard-ass. His Outfit went from Black to Blue to Grey. The Villains have Changed Drastically. Mad Hatter used to be a guy that used mechanical hats, now he uses mind control.
And for the record. Batman vs Dracula is like an alternate dimension batman comic and it doesn't count.

So, this apparently the reason I'm a troll is because I explained why what she said was wrong in a few paragraphs rather than leaving a short sentence written in DeviantArt language that said "OMG I love you OMG I love everything you do, but one smaaaaaalllll thingy hunn3y bunn3y, Battmann's has been a crime fight guy and detective for all the time, but I like you version of historryy better cuz it's so KAWAIIIIIIIIIIII".

So, again, I respond in an acceptable (by non-DeviantArt users' standards) manner and try to level with her. With even more smiley emoticons this time so that she knows I'm a good guy and not a troll. But I'm still a troll. Because if I weren't a troll, I wouldn't correct the things she says that aren't true.

The Good Guy (Me)I only wanted to cite specific examples so that you would know that my claims aren't baseless. :)

I never said that "Batman doesn't change at all". I simply said that he is very similar to the original interpretation, and that is the interpretation that has been most successful. :)

Also for the record, the vampire story I was talking about wasn't "Batman Vs. Dracula". You're thinking of "Batman: Red Rain", which is indeed an alternate dimension. The story I was actually talking about, though, has a villain called the Mad Monk, who is a vampire. That story was not an alternate dimension and it came out 52 years before Red Rain. So yes, it counts. :)

I am sorry about the length. I didn't know you don't like reading. I just wanted to show the reasoning behind my answers rather than just saying things and expecting you to take my word for it. But somehow, I think that you are more annoyed because you never intended to start a real discussion with multiple view points, but rather you just wanted people to agree with you and pat you on the back for being right.:)
That's the final straw. I corrected one mistake too many. She will not tolerate people acknowledging when things she say aren't true. Stroke my ego and suck my dick or GTFO.
And this is what she says:

canti550You're coming off very rude. So rude that I don't even care that you like my art.
I do like reading. But when someone leaves a Bigass Comment, Most people just expect the worst.
You're obviously not very social, so instead of arguing with you. (And I was expecting angry comments. That's the whole point of having your own opinion) I'm just going to block you. Have a Nice Day~

Don't correct people on DeviantArt, unless you wanna get blocked. If she blocks enough people, no one will ever contradict her again. She will probably delete all my comments so that no one sees evidence of her being wrong. And she will be in Happy Land once again.

This may become a running series on DeviantArt crybabies.